
Pir Meher Ali Shah Gilani Rahmatullah alaih

پیر مہر علی شاہ

Pir Meher Ali Shah was born 14 April 1859 (1 Ramadan, 1275 A.H.) in Golra Sharif which is located midway between Rawalpindi and Islamabad, in present-day Pakistan. The time just before his birth saw the Indian Rebellion of 1857 fought between the British and the sepoys allied with seven of the Princely states. He is renowned as a Sufi saint, a great Hanafi scholar upholding the position of Hazrat Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehalvi, and especially for being at the forefront of the anti-Ahmedi movement. He wrote several books most notably Saif e Chishtiyai, (The Sword of the Chishtis), a polemical work regarding the unorthodoxy and the heresy of the Ahmadiyya movement of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. 


    1. Tahqiq-ul-Haq Fi Kalima-tul-Haq (The Truth about Kalima-tul-Haq) 
        2. Shamsul Hidayah 
         3. Saif-e-Chishtiya 
    4. I'la Kalimatillah Fi Bayan-e-Wa Ma Uhilla Bihi Legharillah
     5. AlFatuhat-us-Samadiyyah (Divine Bounties)
     6. Tasfiah Mabain Sunni Wa Shi'ah
     7. Fatawa-e-Mehria 8. Mulfuzaat-e-Mehria (Sayings of Meher Ali Shah)

جھوٹے مدعیان نبوت   عن  ابی ھریرۃ ان رسول اللہ ﷺ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔قال لا تقوم الساعۃ حتٰی یبعث دجالون کذابون قریب من ثلاثین کلھم یزعم انہ رسول ...